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Reference for the teleport_autoupdate_config Terraform resource

Example Usage

resource "teleport_autoupdate_config" "test" {
  version = "v1"
  spec = {
    tools = {
      mode = "enabled"
    agents = {
      mode = "enabled"
      strategy = "halt-on-error"
      schedules = {
        regular = [
            name = "dev"
            days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
            start_hour: 4
            name = "staging"
            days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
            start_hour: 14
            name = "prod"
            days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
            start_hour: 14
            wait_hours: 24




Nested Schema for spec


Nested Schema for spec.agents


  • maintenance_window_duration (String) maintenance_window_duration is the maintenance window duration. This can only be set if strategy is "time-based". Once the window is over, the group transitions to the done state. Existing agents won't be updated until the next maintenance window.
  • mode (String) mode specifies whether agent autoupdates are enabled, disabled, or paused.
  • schedules (Attributes) schedules specifies schedules for updates of grouped agents. (see below for nested schema)
  • strategy (String) strategy to use for updating the agents.

Nested Schema for spec.agents.schedules


Nested Schema for spec.agents.schedules.regular


  • days (List of String) days when the update can run. Supported values are "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" and "*"
  • name (String) name of the group
  • start_hour (Number) start_hour to initiate update
  • wait_hours (Number) wait_hours after last group succeeds before this group can run. This can only be used when the strategy is "halt-on-failure". This field must be positive.

Nested Schema for


  • mode (String) Mode defines state of the client tools auto update.

Nested Schema for metadata


  • description (String) description is object description.
  • expires (String) expires is a global expiry time header can be set on any resource in the system.
  • labels (Map of String) labels is a set of labels.
  • name (String) name is an object name.